Alka-Seltzer is sponsoring a cool contest called the Said/Heard Contest! It's all about those silly misunderstanding that are a WAY OF LIFE for most families! (When I heard that, I knew I was in.) Do you have a humorous story or twenty to share about the many different times you or your family have misunderstood each other?
I offer Exhibit A:
Sassy attends a rather large high school here in this quaint college town in Oregon. There are approximately 754 young men and women graduating with her next weekend.
Last week she came home and as soon as she walked in the door she threw down her backpack and shouted (cause that's how we communicate in this house), "Mom! I am on the front of the yearbook!"
"The front? Like the front page?"
"No - the cover."
I thought for a moment, and replied, "The COVER page? Like the first page?"
"NO! THE COVER. THE. HARD. FRONT. COVER. Oh My God. How did you EVER become a teacher?"
And then she pulled it out of her backpack, flung it on the table, and ran away shaking her head.
She was right. The HUGE fifty pound yearbook on the table? Her pic is SMACK on the front cover.
And yes, in case you were wondering, it DID bring a tear to my eye. Or two.
Enter the contest here, and go to their Facebook page here!!!
The winner of the Said/Heard Mishaps Contest will receive:
A trip to New York City to star in an Alka-Seltzer online video featuring their entry!
The winning spot will premiere on the Alka-Seltzer Facebook page!
Plus $5,000 to spend toward whatever they wish!!
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a contest it is!!!
(NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Legal residents of the 50 United States (D.C.), 18 years or older. Contest ends 2/25/11. To enter and for Official Rules, including prize description, visit http://www.facebook.com/AlkaSeltzerOriginal?v=app_7146470109&ref=sgm. Void where prohibited.)
(Disclosure: I am being compensated for this post by TheMotherhood and Alka-Seltzer. The story is my own.)